2021年10月19日 12:00
株式会社クレイオ(東京都港区赤坂 代表取締役・神名秀紀 以下、当社)は、株式会社B.B.Q(東京都渋谷区上原 代表取締役社長・小田愛慈、以下B.B.Q社)と、音楽専門のNFTマーケットプレイス『The NFT Records』における業務提携を締結しましたのでここにお知らせいたします。
『The NFT Records』は、B.B.Q社のようなグローバルを含む国内外に幅広く実績を持つ会社と提携することにより、現在準備中のDIY機能をはじめとする新たな取り組みにおいて、参加アーティスト様の可能性をより広げることが可能になると考えています。
このたび、『The NFT Records』と業務提携を結ぶこととなりました。
『The NFT Records』が準備中のDIY機能では、クリエイターたちが好きな作品を自由に出すことが出来ますが、B.B.Q社として、例えば歌うことは出来るが楽曲を作成することが難しいヴォーカリストに協力するなどのバックアップ支援なども検討しています。
是非、B.B.Q社そして『The NFT Records』の業務提携にご期待下さい。
・TVアニメ SHAMAN KING 挿入歌『崇高なる精神』
・鬼頭明里『No Continue (English Version)』
・TVアニメ Re:ゼロ 主題歌 『ANSWER』
・TVアニメ おそ松さん 挿入歌『Great Victory』
・TVアニメ ドロヘドロ 音楽全般
Official website https://www.aijmusic.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/aijmusic
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aijmusic
Official website https://www.misachi-world.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/misachi__k
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aotomisachi
Official website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYsk2JBUqtaTLFe1u3i0-4w
Twitter https://twitter.com/bigpandamon
<The NFT Recordsについて>
The NFT Recordsでは、商品を仮想通貨ではなくクレジットカードなどの法定通貨で購入することができます。
なお、The NFT Recordsで購入した音楽、MV、ジャケット写真、アーティスト写真などはThe NFT Recordsの「マイコレクション」ページで楽しむことができます。
<The NFT Recordsが取り扱うNFTについて>
The NFT Recordsは音楽原盤および各種データを権利元から正式に許諾を受けて商品化し、NFT商品としてお客様にお届けします。NFT商品の原盤権や著作権はアーティストまたはレーベル各社が権利を保有しており、NFTは原盤権や著作権を販売・譲渡するものではありません。
The NFT Recordsは、環境に配慮した設計を心掛けています。
当社のマーケットプレイスでは、ブロックチェーンネットワークで一般的な、計算競争によるPoW (プルーフ・オブ・ワーク)というコンセンサスアルゴリズムを使っていないため、電力を大きく消費することがなく、環境に配慮した設計になっています。
【株式会社クレイオ 会社概要】
本 社:東京都港区赤坂3丁目7番地13号
代 表 者:代表取締役社長 神名秀紀
設 立:2019年4月22日
事 業 概 要:マーケットプレイスの企画・開発・制作・運営、動画配信サービスの開発・運営。
B.B.Q Co., Ltd., a domestic/world music specialist and KLEIO Inc., the operator of music-specialized NFT marketplace, announce business alliance for "The NFT Records"
Kleio Inc., would like to announce our business alliance with B.B.Q Co., Ltd., for the music-specialized NFT marketplace "The NFT Records".
We believe music can pave the way for the rapidly growing NFT market. Sharing trial sound sources before commercialization with fans, or do limited sales of NFT of the artist's memorable pieces. Such challenging products difficult for mass-markets are compassable.
By cooperating with world-leading companies like B.B.Q Co., Ltd., "The NFT Records" shall be able to expand the future of participating artists with various features including the DIY function currently under development.
[Comments from B.B.Q Co., Ltd.]
We decided to make a partnership with "The NFT Records".
The reason for this alliance is that we were fascinated in the expandability of new challenging projects in terms of being able to sell music using new technology (blockchain). We also felt it very meaningful to set up a new shared community together with the fans by this quantity-limited rare NFT products, actually wanted and delivered to the exact people.
Creators can freely release their pieces to "The NFT Records" by using the DIY function, and we are willing to back that up by for example introducing songs to vocalists who do not make songs themselves.
Please look forward to our partnership with "The NFT Records".
[B.B.Q Co., Ltd. Company Information]
Produced various music artists and TV-animation songs, both in major record labels and independent record labels. Supports globalization of Japanese artists and contents, including music production from songwriting, composition and arrangement to recording and mixing. Promotes artist cultivation by enhancing artist's linguistic ability (English, Korean, Chinese, etc.), vocal and rap instructions, dance choreographies to strengthen expressiveness. A comprehensive entertainment company in charge of management of artists and creators, as well as recording directions and overseas promotion of artists by English skills of in-house English lyricists.
Major achievements and related works:
-TV Animation SHAMAN KING insert song "Suukou naru seishin"
-Akari Kito "No Continue (English Version)"
-TV Animation Re:ZERO theme song "ANSWER"
-TV Animation Osomatsusan insert song "Great Victory"
-TV Animation Dorohedoro musics
[Artists in B.B.Q Co., Ltd.]
Official website https://www.aijmusic.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/aijmusic
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aijmusic
Misachi Kyushima
Official website https://www.misachi-world.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/misachi__k
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aotomisachi
Akimoto Ryohei
Official website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYsk2JBUqtaTLFe1u3i0-4w
Twitter https://twitter.com/bigpandamon
We are receiving many comments on the DIY function which started registration on October 15th (Fri) and are currently studying them.
We are also expecting new ideas and features with this partnership with B.B.Q Co., Ltd.
Please look forward to our upcoming announcements!
NFT is a mechanism proving that users do have the item, even if it is in digital format.
Buying NFT leads to sharing joy with your favorite artists. The market is expanding rapidly as one of the ways to enjoy NFT.
The NFT Records delivers NFT products commercialized from official-warranted music master and various data. Master disc rights or copyrights of the NFT products are owned by artists or label companies. We are not to sell or transfer any of those rights.
Each NFT product sold has a unique serial number, and you can “own” it by purchasing the product.
Each NFT product sold has a unique serial number. The purchaser is the only person to possess the number, and the product. The purchased and received products can be transferred to other customers in the secondary sales market to be developed or linked in the future.
The NFT Records is designed with environmental friendliness in mind.
Our website does not use PoW (Proof of Work) consensus algorithms, which are common in block chain networks, so it does not consume a lot of power and is designed to be environmentally friendly.
[KLEIO Inc. Company Information]
Headquarter: 3-7-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: CEO Hidenori Kamina
Establishment: April 22, 2019
Business Contents: Planning/developing/organizing Marketplaces, developing/organizing Video Distribution Services
The NFT Records has experienced NFT experts and a diverse group of members familiar with the entertainment world. We will support NFT for each label and NFT music sales for artists.