2021年10月15日 11:00
株式会社クレイオ(東京都港区 代表取締役・神名秀紀)は、音楽専門のNFTマーケットプレイス『The NFT Records』にて、伝説的カルトゲーム「LSD」オリジナルプロデューサー・佐藤理キャリア初の公式NFT商品を、全世界向けに販売することを決定しましたのでお知らせ致します。(English follows)
いまやそのオリジナル・パッケージはヨーロッパなどで高額で取引されるというカルト的な人気を集める1998年にリリースされたPSゲーム『LSD Dream Emulator』。そのオリジナルプロデューサー、佐藤理が世界初の音楽専門NFTマーケットプレイス「The NFT Records」を新たなアート発表の場として選び、NFTならではのクリエイティブを生かした貴重な作品を初の公式NFTとして展開致します。
◆OSAMU SATO(佐藤理)コメント
『LSD』のオープニングテーマ曲のサントラ盤については発売当初『LSD & REMIXES』そして近年、リマスター新ミックスにて『LSD REVAMPED』として、CDそして海外盤はアナログ3枚組にて発売されました。
◆OSAMU SATO(佐藤理)プロフィール
1991年、初の展覧会ではコンピュータグラフィックスで「アルファベチカル・オルガズム」を発表、多くの国内外のプレスから取材を受け、その後もコンスタントに作品を発表。他、マルチメディアプロダクションとして、多くの作品に携わり、ソニーミュージックからPCゲーム作品「東脳」、米国ソニーからは米題「EASTERN MIND」としてデビュー。そのほか音楽CD「EQUAL」などが日本、ヨーロッパのソニーからリリースされた。
その後、現在もカルトクラシックとして名高いプレイステーションの「LSD / ドリーム・エミュレーター」をアスミックエースより発売。
ここ数年では、グラフィックアートの制作と並行して、音楽アルバム「ALL THINGS MUST BE EQUAL」、「OBJECTLESS」、「LSD REVAMPED」が日本はもとより海外でもリリース、2020年4月には、オリジナルアルバム『GRATEFUL IN ALL THINGS(感謝感激雨霰)』を同名のグラフィック作品集同時発売。その後、アナログ2枚組でも発売される。
またほぼ同時期にヨーロッパでは、1993年から2001年にかけて作曲された楽曲を収録した編集盤『COLLECTED AMBIENT GROOVES』がヨーロッパ、Mental Groove傘下のMusique Pour La Danseよりリリースされ、サンフランシスコの出版社コルパプレスからは、1993年にグラフィック社(東京)より発刊されたデザイン書「コンピュデザイン」の新翻訳、新装版が発刊された。
そして2020年、秋、「TRANSFORMED COLLECTION」がCD、アナログ2枚組の同時発売。
2021年かねてから準備中であった新たなプロジェクト『LSD TRANSFORMED』の第一弾を音楽とグラフィック作品をNFTにて発表。
<The NFT Recordsについて>
The NFT Recordsでは、商品を仮想通貨ではなくクレジットカードなどの法定通貨で購入することができます。
なお、The NFT Recordsで購入した音楽、MV、ジャケット写真、アーティスト写真などはThe NFT Recordsの「マイコレクション」ページで楽しむことができます。
<The NFT Recordsが取り扱うNFTについて>
The NFT Recordsは音楽原盤および各種データを権利元から正式に許諾を受けて商品化し、NFT商品としてお客様にお届けします。NFT商品の原盤権や著作権はアーティストまたはレーベル各社が権利を保有しており、NFTは原盤権や著作権を販売・譲渡するものではありません。
The NFT Recordsは、環境に配慮した設計を心掛けています。
当社のマーケットプレイスでは、ブロックチェーンネットワークで一般的な、計算競争によるPoW (プルーフ・オブ・ワーク)というコンセンサスアルゴリズムを使っていないため、電力を大きく消費することがなく、環境に配慮した設計になっています。
【株式会社クレイオ 会社概要】
本 社:東京都港区赤坂3丁目7番地13号
代 表 者:代表取締役社長 神名秀紀
設 立:2019年4月22日
事 業 概 要:マーケットプレイスの企画・開発・制作・運営、動画配信サービスの開発・運営。
The NFT Recordsには、経験豊富なNFTの専門家及び、エンターテインメント界に精通する多彩なメンバーがそろっています。レーベル様単位でのNFT化、アーティスト様のNFT楽曲販売についてのサポートなどを行わせていただきます。
Official NFT of Osamu Sato, the original producer of the legendary cult game "LSD" released on October 22, 1998 and still gaining strong support worldwide, "LSD TRANSFORMED" series will be released on October 22, 2021.
New pieces newly recorded by transforming the BGM of "LSD" after 23 years from the original version, together with valuable graphics originally produced just for this official NFT development, shall be available as quantity-limited serial numbered collective NFT!
KLEIO Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO Hidenori Kamina, hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby announces the worldwide-release of the first official NFT of Osamu Sato, the original producer of legendary cult game "LSD", on the Company's NFT marketplace "The NFT Records" specializing in music.
Osamu Sato’s first official NFT to be released!
"LSD Dream Emulator" is a PS game released in 1998 and has gained cult popularity that its original package is traded at high prices in Europe and elsewhere. The original producer, Osamu Sato, has selected the world's first music specialized NFT marketplace "The NFT Records" as a place for new art presentations, and will develop valuable works making use of the creativity unique to NFT as his first official NFT series.
Product details will be announced at noon on October 22 2021, at the time of release.
Website URL:https://jp.thenftrecords.com/
◆Comments from Osamu Sato
The soundtrack version of the opening theme song of "LSD" was released as "LSD & REMIXES" at the time of release, and in recent years, was released as remastered new mix "LSD REVAMPED", by CD as well as set of three analog discs overseas.
And this time, unreleased BGM in the game's field are newly recorded.
There are 14 types of BGM in the fields, all changing with various tones and arrangements together with the pictures each time you visit. This will make around 400 patterns in total. Over the last few years, I've been receiving messages during my own exhibitions, live performances and when releasing new works or collections, from lots of young fans to have the BGM released as well. Though I do not feel comfortable, there are movies on media sites showing all scenes and music (it's illegal).
For that reason, I've been recording little by little during this COVID-19 era.
During the recording, I've actually tried numerous arrangements and tones. I think it's just the same as hearing new arrangements when you visit the field during the game. This time, I am releasing 4 patterns from the field "KYOTO". All are arranged and mixed differently. I hope you enjoy them.
And I hope someday I can deliver the remaining 13 fields to you all.
Born in Kyoto and lives in Tokyo. He is a multimedia artist who presents his work in many fields such as games, graphics, photography, video and music.
Both his father and grandfather are photographers. He spent his childhood in an environment where the adults around him were all artists, and during his school days he studied design and photographic engineering at two universities.
He spent eight years as a student with two school enrollments, ronin, studying in the US, and retention. In the meantime, he began to take an interest in electronic music while producing photographs and designs, producing various experimental music and ambient music using synthesizers and tapes, and presenting them at live performances.
His music was also used for NHK program BGM and theme songs. Also released a cassette & silkscreen work "OBJECTLESS" from EP-4's Kaoru Sato's indie label "Skating Pears". The work was remixed by Sato himself and reissued on an analog record from VOD in Germany in 2017.
In 1991, he presented "Alphabetical Orgasm" in computer graphics at his first exhibition and was interviewed by many domestic and foreign presses. Since then, he has been constantly presenting his works. In addition, he has been involved in many works as a multimedia producer, debuting from Sony Music with "Eastern Mind", US title "EASTERN MIND" (Sony USA). Music CDs such as "EQUAL" have been released by Sony in Japan and Europe as well.
Then releases PlayStation game "LSD: Dream Emulator" , famous as a cult classic from Asmic Ace.
In recent years, he released the music album "ALL THINGS MUST BE EQUAL", "OBJECTLESS", and "LSD REVAMPED" in Japan and Europe in parallel with producing graphic arts. Original album "GRATEFUL IN ALL THINGS" and graphic collection under the same name were released in April 2020, followed by release of the same title in 2-disc analog sets.
At about the same time, edited board "COLLECTED AMBIENT GROOVES" containing songs composed from 1993 to 2001 was released by Musique Pour La Danse under Mental Groove in Europe, and design book "The Art of Computer Design" (originally "Compu Design") was newly translated and edited by San Francisco publisher, Colpa Press.
And in the fall of 2020, "TRANSFORMED COLLECTION" was released as a CD and analog record (both 2-disc sets).
In 2021, first music and graphic work of the new project "LSD TRANSFORMED", which had been under preparation for a long time, are to be released by NFT.
NFT is a mechanism proving that users do have the item, even if it is in digital format.
Buying NFT leads to sharing joy with your favorite artists. The market is expanding rapidly as one of the ways to enjoy NFT.
The NFT Records delivers NFT products commercialized from official-warranted music master and various data. Master disc rights or copyrights of the NFT products are owned by artists or label companies. We are not to sell or transfer any of those rights.
Each NFT product sold has a unique serial number, and you can “own” it by purchasing the product.
Each NFT product sold has a unique serial number. The purchaser is the only person to possess the number, and the product. The purchased and received products can be transferred to other customers in the secondary sales market to be developed or linked in the future.
The NFT Records is designed with environmental friendliness in mind.
Our website does not use PoW (Proof of Work) consensus algorithms, which are common in blockchain networks, so it does not consume a lot of power and is designed to be environmentally friendly.
[KLEIO Inc. Company Information]
Headquarter: 3-7-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: CEO Hidenori Kamina
Establishment: April 22, 2019
Business Contents: Planning/developing/organizing Marketplaces, developing/organizing Video Distribution Services
The NFT Records has experienced NFT experts and a diverse group of members familiar with the entertainment world. We will support NFT for each label and NFT music sales for artists.