エキスパンション カードセット 通信対応日本語版

Magic:The Gathering(C)1998 Wizards of the Coast,Inc. WIZARDS OF THE COAST,Magic:The Gathering,Legends, The Dark, ManaLink, Duels of the Planeswalkers, Spells of the Ancients, the tap symbol(T),and the mana symbols(W, U, B, R, G) are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,Inc. Computer code and manual (C)1998 MicroProse Software, Inc. MICROPROSE is a trademark of MicroProse Software, Inc. Produced under license from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective holders. Cover illus. by Jesper Myrfors. Illus. by Randy Asplund-Faith, Melissa Benson, Daniel Gelon, Jesper Myrfors, Mark Poole, Christopher Rush, and Mark Tedin.
[Reported by funatsu@impress.co.jp]
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